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We've had great results running Wiltpolls on our 1,000 acres of Stirling Estate


There are a few good reasons for this.


The Wiltipoll is a "boutique" breed of sheep that has ancient origins in the English County of Wiltshire, home to legendary Stonehenge, Avebury and Salisbury Plain. Australian Wiltipolls were developed from Wiltshire Horn sheep and bred to be polled (hornless) and adapted for Australian conditions.


The most notable feature of the Wiltipoll sheep is that they naturally completely shed their coat of wool each year over the summer and grow it back again over the winter. This gives the breed several unique advantages. The first is that the the energy of the sheep is directed into meat and milk production instead of growing wool. The second is that they never require muelsing, crutching or shearing which can be stressful experiences for sheep. Thirdly they do not suffer from fly strike, or infestations from parasites like lice and from grass seeds all of which can have devastating impacts on the animals health and welfare.


Wiltipolls are also naturally more resistant to internal parasites like worms, aren't fussy eaters, are tough and thrive in all ground types and weather conditions. They are fertile, good milk producers, good mothers and have good temperaments. All of these things mean they are easy to care for with less human intervention which makes them (and us!) much happier.


Oh, and most importantly of all they produce the best lamb we've ever tasted!


We believe they are the perfect breed for Stirling Estate Lamb.



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